Parts of Speech | what are the Parts Of speech ?


Parts of Speech

What is Parts Of Speech ?

The parts of speech are the primary  Parts or categories of words according to their function in order to give the sentence a proper meaning and structure. In short Parts Of  a Sentence which is categories by functionality is called Parts of speech.

What are the types of Parts of Speech ?

In English grammar there are eight parts of speech mainly noun , Pronoun, Verb, Adjectives, Adverb,Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection. We’ll look at a brief overview of each below , I have provided a detailed chapter on them


Nouns are the words that are used to represents name , people , animals, ideas, places, or things. Nouns can function as the subject of a clause or sentence, an object of a verb, or an object of a preposition. Nouns can be classified into two main categories, Common nouns and Proper nouns.

  • Proper Noun: (Proper Noun) A Proper Noun refers to the name of a person, place or thing like Ram, Alwar.

  •  Common Noun :- A Common Noun refers the name given to persons, things or places of the same kind or class. 

             For Example :- King, boy, girl, city etc.

  •  Collective Noun :-  A Collective Noun is the name of a group of persons or things taken together and spoken of as a whole, as unit. 
            For Example :- Team, Committee, Army etc

           It is in singular and if it is used in plural then it becomes a compound noun.

  • Material Noun :-  A Material Noun is the name of metal or substance of which things are made of Materials Like Silver, Iron, Wood etc.

           Material Nouns are not countable, that is, they cannot be counted. These can be measured or weighed. Generally singular verb is used with them and article is not used before them.

  •  Abstract Noun (expressive) :- Abstract noun in general refers to the name of quality, action or state. 

         For Example:- Honesty, Bravery (quality), Hatred, Laughter (action), Poverty, Young (state). Art and science like Physics, Chemistry, Music Grammar etc. are also included in Noun.


       (a) Abstract Noun expresses such qualities, emotions, actions and states which can neither be physically touched nor seen, but can only be felt.

      (b) Abstract Noun is generally used in singular.

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Pronouns are words that represent nouns (people, places, or things). Grammatically,
pronouns are used in the same ways as nouns; they can function as subjects or objects.
Common pronouns include I, you, she, him, it, everyone, and somebody.

   Example:- Alex loves to play soccer, but he prefers basketball.
                    They are going to the movies later.
                    It's mine, not yours.

In short What is Pronoun
Pronouns are substitutes for nouns, used to avoid repetition. They take the place of specific people, places, or things mentioned earlier in the discourse.

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Verbs are words that describe the actions- or states of being of people, animals, places,
or things. Verbs function as the root of what's called the predicate, which is required (along
with a subject) to form a complete sentence, therefore, every sentence must include at least
one verb
Verbs include action words like run, walk, write, or sing, as well as words describing
states of being, such as be, seem, feel, or sound.

    Example:- She runs every morning before breakfast.
                       The cat jumped onto the table.

In Short What is Verb ?
Verbs express actions, states of being, or occurrences within a sentence

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Adjectives are words that modify (add description to) nouns and (occasionally) pronouns
They can be a part of either the subject or the predicate. Common adjectives are red, blue,
fast, slow, big, tall, and wide

    Example:- The red car sped down the highway.
                         She lives in a tall building downtown.
                       It was a beautiful sunset.

In Short What is Adjectives ?
Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns, providing additional information about their attributes or qualities.

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Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or even entire clauses.
Depending on what they modify (and how), adverbs can appear anywhere in the sentence
Adverbs are commonly formed from adjectives by adding "-ly" to the end, as in slowly,
quickly, widely, beautifully, or commonly

    Example:- She spoke quickly during the presentation.
                       He's very excited about the trip.
                       They visit their grandparents often .

In Short What is Adjectives ?
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, indicating the manner, time, place, degree, or frequency of an action or state.

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Prepositions are words that express a relationship between a noun or pronoun (known as the object of the preposition) and another part of the sentence. Together, these form prepositional phrases, which can function as adjectives or as adverbs in a sentence. 

    Example:-  The book is on the table.
                       She's going to the store.
                       We walked through the park.

In Short What is  Preposition?
Prepositions establish relationships between nouns (or pronouns) and other words in a sentence, indicating location, direction, time, or possession.

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Conjunctions are words that connect other words, phrases, or clauses, expressing a specific
kind of relationship between the two (or more) elements. The most common conjunctions are
the coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or; nor, for; so, and yet.

    Example:-  I want to go and see the new movie.
                        He likes tea but not coffee.
                       You can have cake or ice cream for dessert.

In Short What is Conjunction ?
Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence, facilitating coherence and flow in communication.

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An interjection is a word or phrase used to express a feeling or to request or demand something While interjections are a part of speech, they are not grammatically connected to other parts of a sentence Interjections are common in everyday speech and informal writing

    Example:-  Wow! That's amazing.
                        Ouch! That hurt.
                       Alas! We arrived too late.

In Short What is Interjection ?
Interjections are expressions of emotion or sudden feeling, often used independently to convey surprise, joy, pain, or other sentiments

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